
Chinese Crested Dog

A little history

crestado chino con pelo y sin peloThe Chinese Crested dog is said to have originated in China and was brought to America on ships of this country for many centuries.

However, there have been hairless dogs in many countries, including Africa and Turkey, and some think that the Chinese Crested may be the result of mating between Mexican Hairless Dog (Xoloitzcuintli) with a Chihuahua. Certainly the pairing of the Chihuahua Chinese Crested can produce a hairless dog. Until 1966, an elderly woman in the U.S. had the only remaining copies of chinese crested dog in the world.

Of these, four were introduced in the UK and now the race is increasing in both countries.
In Britain attracts many competitors to exhibitions and received the rank of champion in the 70.
The Chinese Crested has no crest or coat except for a mane, hair on her feet and a feathery tail of Porto Alegre. However, in almost every litter, there are some hair puppies grow into adult-like coats shiny little shepherds.
These were known as Powder Puffs (ball to powder) and have earned the right to be exhibited in the ring alongside his brothers hairless.
Character and behavior.
perro-crestadoThe Chinese Crested Dog Chinese Crested Dog or cheerful, energetic and very active. It has an affable, gentle, playful but wary with strangers.
He loves being with family and tolerates children, provided, of course, they respect you and be polite to him. Despite being friendly and open, sometimes it can show some independence.


Less than 4.5 kg


perro-crestado-chino cachorroDespite its fragile appearance, the Chinese Crested Dog is strong and durable, but tends to suffer from skin problems and teething (lack of molars and premolars). Otherwise, this dog is exposed to the same diseases common to the Toy breeds (Legg-Perthes, patellar luxation, glaucoma, retinal detachment, cataracts, progressive retinal atrophy and stenosis of the aorta).

Care Hairdressing

We accept any color or color combination.
There are two varieties: hairless body and hair.
  • The hairless variety has a crest of hair on the head and extending to the middle of the neck. It also presents some locks on the legs like socks and hair down at the tip of the tail. The rest of the body hairless.
  • The variety with body hair, by contrast, is completely covered by a smooth, long.

Hairless variety in the body

  • The following items: a natural bristle brush and a quality safety razor (to shave the face)crestado-chino
  • This dog needs frequent baths to stay clean. You must use a good shampoo followed by a moisturizer to massage baby oil or body Nivea face cream. In this way, the dog's skin will remain smooth and well hydrated.
  • The crest, socks and tail feathers should be dried with hot air while brushing with a good natural bristle brush.
  • Due to the "variable expressivity 'hair gene can cause a dog present in the body coat. If necessary, we will remove the hair from her face with a knife up (or an Oster blade against the grain of 40 for safety). ThisPerro-Crestado-Chino-sin-pelo- accessory can also be applied carefully to the body parts that present too much fur. In a submission penalizes the presence of any large area covered with hair. Be very careful when using the knife, if you doubt how to use it, consult an expert breeder of race.
  • Will dry the dog with a towel first and then the ridge, the hocks and tail with a hair dryer (be careful not to be very close to the skin so no harm), while we passed the natural bristle brush on the areas hair, never on skin.
  • Finally we will review Annexes (nails, ears and teeth)

Variety with body hair

  • The following items: a natural bristle brush quality, a wide-tooth comb and a shaver.perro-crestado-con pelo
  • The mantle of the variety with body hair needs to be brushed frequently (with a metal wire brush or natural bristles. These brushes are especially necessary when the puppy becomes the layer of adult specimen, when we must attend to dog daily.
  • The tangles of hair should discard the index finger and thumb. After eliminating all the nodes, pass the mantle as a metal brush or natural bristles.
  • Pay special attention to the knots in the area between the front legs and the inside of the elbows, a process that will be easier if the dog has learned to lie on your side while you undo the knots.
    Regular baths with a good natural shampoo (without chemicals not to damage their delicate skin, such as brand Anibio) and well dried with hot air (no closer to the skin to avoid burning) will keep the coat in good condition .
  • The coat should be brushed layer by layer in the direction of hair growth. If we use the metal wire brush, we will be careful not to hurt the animal.crestado chino con pelo
  • He deposed to bathe, brush and wipe, shave your face with a shaver or clippers with a blade 10mm, drawing a line from the outer edge of the eye to the ear and a gentle curve from the ear to the nut, similar as with the Poodle.
  • It is very important to check between the pads is tangled hair, if any we cut it, if we do not, the dog has trouble walking (as if we walk with a sock folded).
  • For the finishing touch, brush the entire coat with a wide tooth comb, thus we will notice any kinks left and give the final review to all the hair.
  • We will review Annexes (nails, teeth, ears)
  • Note: The nails should be moderately long.

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La importancia de la mascota

Having an animal at home means to care for him in all areas, hygiene is a very important area for both.

Specialists in dog hair and beauty always advise you the benefit of your pet, do not underestimate their advice, ask any questions you have but, above all, always seek the best for your pet.


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