
Bichon Havanese

Bichon Havanais[3]A little history

The beginning of Spanish colonization in Cuba, from the fifteenth century, the island has two types of settlers, farmers, mainly from the island of Tenerife, and the latter so named for the second sons of aristocratic families who left in search new businesses to increase their fortunes. Tenerife remains one of the only ports open to Cuba for trade, due to restrictions imposed by Spain in their colonies. 

The logbooks of ships that arrived in Cuba in the early sixteenth century reveal that these early settlers brought their dogs, logic leads us to believe the dogs were popular in Europe: the Maltese, the Barbet or variety Spanish, the dog of Tenerife (common ancestors of the Bichon family), which were quickly accepted by the wealthiest families in the country. The poodle was considered a sign of refinement, and quickly invade the family of the colony.
As a natural result, the dog, like many other things taken by the Cuban also acquires a particular label, becoming, in response to weather conditions, food and a different dog inbreeding determining their European cousins. This new dog was named Blanquito Havana, because of their color entirely white. It is difficult to be absolutely certain how it could be Blanquito of Havana, from the viewpoint of its external morphology, but testimonies of the time describe him as the dog "....... Habanero (Canis vellerosus) that exists in Havana is smaller than the previous (referring to the Maltese) and is covered with a fleece type of long, curly, white, satin or silk. Individuals who have been brought from Europe could not resist for long the climate change. "
Already in the nineteenth century were the bases of a trading system that led to contact withBichon Havanero blanco[3] different cultures. New races come to Cuba, including the Poodle or Poodle, accompanying the new wave of French immigrants. This is where the story really begins in the Havanese. With the entry of various foreign breeds a new stage in the design of the poodle in Cuba. By crossing the Poodle, the white boy from Havana takes color and size increases, but does not lose its wonderful character. These crosses were performed under certain principles of control, which allowed the speedy establishment of a uniform kind enough to be considered as a new race. Thus arises the Havanese, carrying the best features of their parents, keeps the character alive, happy and intelligent Whitey and acquires strength and size by Poodle.
The Habanero was the dog of the colonial aristocracy until the early twentieth century, when U.S. intervention imposes its fashion, being replaced by the Chihuahua, Pomeranian or Pekingese, and became the favorite toy of the Cuban family, almost unconsciously, helped to keep alive the race. It begins during the twentieth century a wide taste for dog breeding in Cuba, made the first dog shows on the island, where the prevailing majority of imported breeds, only a few breeders dedicated to the Havanese. With the triumph of the revolution in 1959, the breeding of dogs suffer a blow as it becomes a sign of bourgeois mentality, not in accordance with the popular principles of the new changes. Economic reconstruction makes people forget their dogs, but the race goes from U.S. to Europe, starting from a reduced number of emigrants, mainly Sweden, Finland, Holland and Germany. Meanwhile in Cuba in the early eighties began to appreciate the rebirth of love and founded the first club race. Still, the Havanese was submerged into oblivion, so far of the general public recognition, even though the FCI (FCI) had approved a standard for the breed since 1963.
In 1987, the FCI was created in Cuba, entering new associate member of the FCI, it is precisely in that year when he removed the assets of the Havanese in Cuba, it now appears in the technical literature as originating in the Western Mediterranean. This is when awareness and breed lovers meet after a careful search, found almost all Havanese who remained in the country and begin to work with them in the rescue of the breed. In 1991 he founded the Cuban Havanese Club performing work of selection and improvement of the race, having already several champions Cuba, the first winner of the Puppy Expocanina 1993.
Today, the Cuban Club works the true essence of the type of Havanese, somewhat distorted in the European continent by the free interpretation of the FCI standard, little descriptive and therefore prone to deviations from the original type. In 1999, Cuba becomes a full member of the FCI and still waits to be returned that the heritage of the race, a race that is a faithful representative of his idiosyncrasies and belongs to the country's cultural heritage, unmistakable symbol of their identity.


Small: 3 to 5 kg
bichones habanero[3]


The Havanese is an indoor dog who likes to be with family. It's very clever, affectionate, happy and playful. Tends to be good with other dogs and pets. It is neither aggressive nor possessive.


The Havanese are prone to ear infections and eye diseases, so it is very important to monitor the area of ​​the eyes and ears.

Bichon-habanero-manto[3]Care Hairdressing

His coat is soft, silky and slightly wavy or curly. The habanero is a dog full coat, provided with undercoat.
There are two color varieties:
1) Rarely completely pure white, fawn in various shades of fawn to tan (color snuff brown-red) staining of the mantle in these colors; supported his hair slightly carbonated.
2) Coat color and stains admitted in the previous paragraph (white, light fawn to tan) with black spots, black cloak.
Normally you will not be trimmed cloak, but you do need regular brushing. Some company habaneros are peeled or cut them with scissors layer to give a long handle.
corte pelo bichon habanero[3]
Cards can be applied to stubborn knots, although in general, this accessory should be avoided because it is too harsh.
bichon-habanero-[3]The final aspect to be flexible and natural.
- Brush the entire coat, eliminating the knots, and then pass a wide tooth metal comb swivels.
- Bathing the dog with a shampoo base or protein-rich natural ingredients.
- Rinse well the long robe.
- Apply a coat conditioner that enhances and facilitates the work of the barber.
- While the mantle is passed through a metal bristle brush, gently apply warm air and try not to guide you directly to the skin.
- Examine the nails, ears and teeth of the dog.
- Check the legs and remove caked fur between the pads.
- Pass the brush along the back. The dog will shake just making the hair fall naturally to either side. Do not use a comb to form a perfect line of separation.
- The crest can be attached to keep the hair between the eyes (but not during exposure).

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